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Wednesday 4 March 2009

Shoreditch House Perfomance video : Encore!

If you dont wanna read, the vid of the performance is at the bottom of this post!!!

This week has and still is a real exciting week for me. On monday night I performed with Shax and his band at Shoreditch House at a night called "Wired". Its a night of performances from all genres in a nice intimate environment with a good crowd.

We were meant to be on at 10pm but things were out of sync so we didnt get on till about 23:30 as the LAST act of the night. Just before us was some dude called Rhys Morgan singing with an acoustic band (guitar and piano) some VERY slow songs - I personally think he was VERY VERY good though - hollared at him on myspace after and all sorts...but it was the end of the night and he sorta brought the mood down with the vibe of his good, but downtempo songs - we had alot to do to catch up on...shax came out first and jumped in straight with his tunes and captured the audience IMMEDIATELY - I sat on the side in awe - after his first song, was my time to get up and perform release with him - I was soooo soo happy with the performance - we woke up and captured the crowd so much we got a standing ovation AND encore....below is the encore we did luckily someone recorded it - our camera died after shax's third song - ima put up the video of the whole performance later but for now...enjoy....

THIS I THINK IS MY FAVOURITE PERFORMANCE EVER!!! I wish you could see the whole crowd through the whole thing - the vibe was crazy!! WATCH TO THE END - THATS THE BEST PART!!

Right click on the play button for full screen!!

Oh yea - at the START of the performance, where the band comes in wrong, thats down to a "game" we play on stage - Basically, I give them a half a bar intro (two counts - "one, two") and they come in there - the problem is, on every performance, the count comes at ANY time and its in the form of "one, two, uh" - normal bands start songs with a full bar count like "one, two, three, four" so its much harder for my band to catch it especially when I say it at any given time!! - in this peformance, the first time i say it, they miss it!! I was being sly with the count anyway!!! I think it adds to the vibe though - they catch it on the next one!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Bruv, I'm so tired - you need to get better from this cold man! Swear down!!!!!!!!


  3. 1,2 UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YEH BOI!
    Get better Reuben! We can't start without you - literally!

    (also can we just notice that it really doesn't look like I'm playing the piano at all. bare dancing! where are those chords coming from???)

    INDIGO2 GO GO GO2!!!!!

  4. bangin.

    keep em coming.

    i got ya back
